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Daniel Sturley Photography
13 Oct 2018 - Daniel Sturley

Christmas Day 2011 - Alone in the City Centre

In 2011 I found myself alone for Christmas Day and whilst I was a bit down, I wasn't lonely. As an autistic person I have a base state of alone, so I took the opportunity to indulge my 'special interest' of city photography and to wander the streets of Birmingham city centre to get some shots. Serendipity intervened to gift this set of rare photos.

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Christmas Day 2011 - Alone in the City Centre

In 2011 I found myself alone for Christmas Day and whilst I was a bit down, I wasn't lonely. As an autistic person I have a base state of alone, so I took the opportunity to indulge my 'special interest' of city photography and to wander the streets of Birmingham city centre to get some shots. Serendipity intervened to gift this set of rare photos.

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Photos by Daniel Sturley

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Noushka Galley Fundraising & charity
09 Oct 2018 - Noushka Galley
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Unique Sensory Struggles

Sensory Spectacle asked me to list a few hang ups I had that were directly realted to having autism. Below are 10 things I struggled with but are now not really a problem for me.

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Unique Sensory Struggles

Sensory Spectacle asked me to list a few hang ups I had that were directly realted to having autism. Below are 10 things I struggled with but are now not really a problem for me.

1) Hugging

I feel awkward when people hug me but I still respond with a light hug back. Sometimes I initiate one using the same social rules I have picked up on when going along with small talk. I don’t get why people do it, but it seems rude or more awkward for other people if I don’t respond.


2) Getting your hair cut

It’s not a sensory problem to get it cut or lightened and dyed at a salon. I can bang my head on a shelf or open cupboard door and just carry on, but hair spray does make me retch and swallow. I condition rather than cut my ends to preserve length- it’s my aesthetic style preference.


3) Using escalators or Lifts

As a very young child I used to have to be warned and the longer I checked the speed of the escalator the less I wanted to use it- the scariest idea was getting one foot on and not having time to fully step on- I was scared I would fall over or do the splits (going down escalators was the worst because you could see the angle and height you could fall at).


4) Find yourself shouting

I raise my voice when I am enthused about what I’m talking about. I don’t realise until people say I’m shouting. When I try to be quieter, I’m told I’m mumbling. It’s hard to judge because I hear myself at a constant volume because my mouth is next to my ears.


5) Gag easily

Anything soft/fluffy and dry can make my throat close up- hair spray, wool and gloves covering my fingernails is especially bad.


6) Being told you're heavy handed

Because I am aware that my hand-eye coordination is not my strongest asset, I actually compensate by going to the other extreme and dropping things, or taking a noticeably longer time setting items carefully down on tables.


7) Brushing your teeth

Toothpaste used to hurt because the flavour was overpowering when I was a child and was getting used to switching from infant to adult toothpaste. Mouthwash also hurt but my sense of tatse has calmed down with time, so I am able to overlook ingrediants I don’t like in meals and use a wider range of toiletries without wincing, or neglecting things due to smell colour and taste.


8) Difficulty sitting still

I just like to fidget, I have never been sure why, I just seem to get bored or tired much quicker and my focus goes if I’m not moving constantly. However, I can stand very still for hours and don’t get the same problem.


9) Washing your hands

I have to do this half-way through a big lot of washing up- I like how my skin is not left slimy by hand soap but washing up liquid is slimy. I like the smell and how my skin is softened by soaps and creams for hands.


10) Wearing your hood up

I used to keep my head covered with a hat- hoods don’t turn with my head making crossing roads dangerous. I used to like keeping my ears warm and protected from loud noises but this need has reduced with time and I like to keep my hair less oily by avoiding hoods and hats nowadays.

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40 passion points
Daniel Sturley Photography
29 Sep 2018 - Daniel Sturley

Daniel Sturley's City Photography

I have been lucky to visit many great cities and have collected a large gallery of photos from my travels.

Click here to see my main timeline gallery and use the tags to filter the photos.

View the full post to see some of my favourites and the individual city galleries.

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Daniel Sturley's City Photography

I have been lucky to visit many great cities and have collected a large gallery of photos from my travels.

Click here to see my main timeline gallery and use the tags to filter the photos.

View the full post to see some of my favourites and the individual city galleries.

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My home city Birmingham, the view from Frankley of the skyline, September 2018

My BIRMINGHAM GALLERY is somewhat massive so please use the additional tags under the photos to filter them down, you can always use the text search on the page too.

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Taken from the the top of The Shard, London Oct 2017  LONDON GALLERY

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Edinburgh, the Queen's Birthday Gun Salute, taken from Princes Street Gardens on a 300mm lens, April 2016  EDINBURGH GALLERY

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Glasgow, September 2018, the view from the Necropolis, but what's a tomb and what's a building in the distance?  GLASGOW GALLERY

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Cardiff, August 2017, one of the newly painted red dragons on the ornate obelisks outside City Hall.  CARDIFF GALLERY

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Leeds, July 2017, one of the magnificent gold owls at the Civic Hall  LEEDS GALLERY

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Paris, November 2011, the view Down the Champs Elysees  PARIS GALLERY

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Amsterdam, August 2005, a tram jam in Leidseplein  AMSTERDAM GALLERY

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Roma, April 2002, the Ruins of Il Tempio die Dioscuri ROMA GALLERY

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Tivoli, April 2002, the Tivoli Gardens  TIVOLI GALLERY

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New York City, November 2005, the view north-west from the Empire State Building  NEW YORK CITY GALLERY

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Chicago, November 2005, the view from the bottom of the 450m Willis (Sears Tower)  CHICAGO GALLERY

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50 passion points
Noushka Galley Art; Culture & creativity
25 Sep 2018 - Noushka Galley
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House sharing tips

New video up with some tips about how to house share, while keeping friendships and saving money!


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House sharing tips

New video up with some tips about how to house share, while keeping friendships and saving money!


If you are short on time, you can copy and paste this list that recaps the points made in the video!

1) Don't be too hard on yourself

2) Be transparent with your house mates

3) List things that need doing for the move and update your contact details

4) Work out a routine to share chores and shopping with house mates

5) Make an online group chat

6) Set a budget for living costs

7) Negotiate a budget between house mates

8) Set a budget for the move itself

9) Save boxes and bags

10) Make time for rest and recovery

Do watch the video later when you get time as I go into each point listed below in more detail, and cover some instances where these tips will help out or avoid certain sticky situations most students face when house sharing!

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50 passion points
Daniel Sturley Photography
19 Sep 2018 - Daniel Sturley

My Visit to Glasgow, Scotland for a Photography Trip - September 2018

I recently went to Glasgow, I love cities and city photography, I came back after 4 days with, er, a lot of photos. I've been working through them and now have a good selection on my Glasgow Gallery. I've selected 12 of my favorites so far in the full post.

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My Visit to Glasgow, Scotland for a Photography Trip - September 2018

I recently went to Glasgow, I love cities and city photography, I came back after 4 days with, er, a lot of photos. I've been working through them and now have a good selection on my Glasgow Gallery. I've selected 12 of my favorites so far in the full post.

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Photos by Daniel Sturley

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