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Your Place Your Space Health & wellbeing
08 Feb 2024 - Your Place Your Space

"I am Daniel and being a contributor helps me with my mental health challenges"

"To say I have had mental health challenges throughout my life is to say I am Human. As an autistic I have had challenges in certain areas of existence that would be considered as amplified when compared to most others. From mid-2013 and for 18 months I was ill with clinical depression and anxiety disorder.

Here's my story!"

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"I am Daniel and being a contributor helps me with my mental health challenges"

"To say I have had mental health challenges throughout my life is to say I am Human. As an autistic I have had challenges in certain areas of existence that would be considered as amplified when compared to most others. From mid-2013 and for 18 months I was ill with clinical depression and anxiety disorder.

Here's my story!"

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"To say I have had mental health challenges throughout my life is to say I am Human.

As an autistic I have had challenges in certain areas of existence that would be considered as amplified when compared to most others.

The same is true of my talents.

I have had to deal with the challenges. I have been able to express my talents.

The start of my photography journey, in terms of it having a positive effect on my mental health was when I returned from a trip with my father to Chicago, USA in February 1997.

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I had taken a small compact film camera and wanted to capture some of the scenes from the trip, largely as a memory reference point, but also to show others.

With such an inspiring ‘canvas’ to work with I quickly started to use up film stock.

I also found during the trip that I wanted to capture images that were not just documentary, but that had an inherent aesthetic, and to extenuate and draw attention to the aspects unique to the place and my experience of it.


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Wow, I was awestruck, the sheer scale overwhelmed me, and I became desperate to somehow capture the feeling with photographs.

I was pleased with the process and the results, and when returning to my new adopted city of Birmingham, I sought to find similar feelings and capture the associated photographs.

Birmingham is not Chicago, but it became, for me, something else.

The city is not full of incredible skyscrapers, but it is full of so much more!

People have hobbies, special interests, mine became urbanscape photography.

I began to discover the city of Birmingham and found that I developed a positive perception of the place and its massive diversity on so many levels. I grew up in London and the south-east and had a typical view of cities ‘up-north’ but not having actually experienced any properly.

I knew people had a dim view of Birmingham on a national level, and having started to live there I developed a feeling of indignation, the city had a bad reputation, but that this was largely unjustified.

I enjoyed capturing photos of the city but developed a motivation to use them as a way of dispelling the negative myths about it.

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In 2010, having had very positive feedback from friends and family for my burgeoning collection of positive images of the city, and comments made like, “I’ve never seen Birmingham looking like that!”, I decided to create a set of ten actual postcards. I had 200 of each printed and managed to get some local city centre outlets to sell them. In the digital age this proved to be a very limited success but I was encouraged in principle.

From mid-2013 and for 18 months, I was ill with clinical depression and anxiety disorder.

In April 2014, as part of my eventual recovery I tried to get out into the city and take further photographs, as something to do, as a ‘what the hell, I’ve nothing better to do with my time’, the summer was approaching and there was a lot of transformation going on in the city centre.

I decided to start publishing my photography regularly on Twitter and slipped into a process of almost daily acquiring and posting photos of the city centre and surrounding areas.

I have since continued this with a small gap in 2023 due to similar illness. My Twitter account now shows over 12 thousand posts to date.

In 2015 I met Jonathan who had seen and recognised my photography as an expression of my passion and pride in my adopted city.

Having met we soon realised that there was also the large element of a positive benefit to my mental health, from the process and the recognition received through social media for my efforts.

Jonathan was in the early stages of developing a unique digital people engagement tool, the purpose of it’s functionality being to enhance social engagement, community cohesion and producing social values with economic growth.

The platform being developed had a public facing output channel that could host and present my photography (and other community contributors of digital content). This would be adding to a large searchable library of content generated by people passionate about their community, place and their particular interests.

I joined Jonathan and his team as a development partner on a voluntary basis and have continued since.

The involvement in the development of the digital platform, in addition to the onward contribution of digital content, gave me an enormous boost in terms of confidence, self-esteem and general mental health wellbeing.

A mapping project of Birmingham and the wider West Midlands I have been involved in has now attracted well over 2 million views.

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As a result of being involved with this project, and my continuing publishing my city photography, further opportunities for me became available.

In 2016 I was contacted by the Chair of PWC Birmingham. Matthew was impressed by my photography, why I was doing it, and had a proposal for me.

I had started to capture and publish regular photos of the demolition of the Central Library, Matthew asked if I would like to continue a photo journal to include the construction of their new headquarters, One Chamberlain Square, on the new ‘Paradise Birmingham’ redevelopment site. This was with view to creating a coffee table book for the eventual launch and opening of the building.

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I agreed a small fee and supplied regular photography up to the completion of the building, the book was produced and handed out at the launch event in December 2019.

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During this process I decided that I would start to document, in my own photographic style, the construction of several other building in the city, together with a focus on the Paradise Development and have continued since, creating several full construction photo journals for many buildings.

I am now a major contributor of content to many platforms and I have helped with the launch of Centres for Pride of Place. The benefit for myself over the years to my general mental health has been considerable, being busy is always better for me, and being able to indulge in my passion for photography, having an outlet for this, the recognition for my efforts, and the contribution to some social positivity has been significant.

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HERE is a link to the video I have helped create.

As part of my extra-curricular work, I have also produced seven 'Birmingham Gems' charity calendars, 2017 to 2023.

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Getting out and taking photos is only the start of a process I go through as part of keeping me occupied. Because of the outlet I have through my Twitter account and the contributing to the Community Passport, and wanting to produce images that are the best I can, I go through a process of using software to enhance the images from their original camera acquired versions. 

I generally take more photos than I eventually publish, I like to spend time with my laptop looking through what I may have collected and picking the ones that stand out for me in some way and become worth processing and then publishing. I can be quite harsh with myself and only publish the best images. 

The evaluation and post-processing of my photography gives me an outlet for my creativity, generally I get very positive feedback and this really helps my confidence and self esteem.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my story".

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90 passion points
Jack Babington Art; Culture & creativity
04 Jan 2023 - Jack Babington

My personal top 54 favourites photos taken in 2022

I took photography up around 5 years ago, i have got autism and it is my special interest and hobby.

I love taking pictures around Birmingham city centre the different events happening in 2022 like the gay pride and PolliNations 

so here iare my favourite 54 pictures shot by me, 'prophotographypicture' on Instagram and Twitter.


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My personal top 54 favourites photos taken in 2022

I took photography up around 5 years ago, i have got autism and it is my special interest and hobby.

I love taking pictures around Birmingham city centre the different events happening in 2022 like the gay pride and PolliNations 

so here iare my favourite 54 pictures shot by me, 'prophotographypicture' on Instagram and Twitter.


Photos from January to December 2022 

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 Thank you and have a happy new year!

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70 passion points
Daniel Sturley Art; Culture & creativity
31 Dec 2022 - Daniel Sturley

Birmingham UK, My Personal 100 Favourites Taken in 2022

I like to take photos, it's helps my mental health and I don't put myself under any pressure. I love my adopted home city and since discovering that it is a beautiful and amazingly photogenic, diverse and muddled up urban landscape, I have sought to expose the negative myths about Birmingham by publishing my photos since 2010. Please see my 2022 favourites gallery:

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Birmingham UK, My Personal 100 Favourites Taken in 2022

I like to take photos, it's helps my mental health and I don't put myself under any pressure. I love my adopted home city and since discovering that it is a beautiful and amazingly photogenic, diverse and muddled up urban landscape, I have sought to expose the negative myths about Birmingham by publishing my photos since 2010. Please see my 2022 favourites gallery:

January 1st 2022, Clent Hill.

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6th January, snow in Central Square in Brindleyplace.

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15th January, the Broad Street Cluster.

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15th January, The Cube from the 'Secret Garden' atop the Library.

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20th January, pre-sunset over Ladywood.

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3rd February, Ladywood.

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19th February, Three Snow Hill.

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19th February, Luke Perry's 'Forward in Unity' sculpture in Colmore Square.

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23rd February, the Library from 103 Colmore Row, on the 'Views from 103' photography tour.

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23rd February, the sunrise from 103 Colmore Row, on the 'Views from 103' photography tour.

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23rd February, an abstract from 103 Colmore Row, on the 'Views from 103' photography tour.

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23rd February, the Lower Terrace on 103 Colmore Row, on the 'Views from 103' photography tour.

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19th March, the city skyline from Egg Hill near Frankley.

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19th March, Bank Tower Two on Broad Street.

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26th March, Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha and St Micheal's Church from the Library.

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26th March, the 'Iron_Man' and the city Council House in Victoria Square and 103 Colmore Row.

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26th March, the weather vane atop St Philip's Cathedral.

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26th March, the Shakespeare Memorial Room atop the Library.

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16th April, sunrise from Brindleyplace.

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16th April, Bank Tower Two reflected in the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

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7th May, the 'Golden Men' back in Centenary Sqaure.

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7th May, the drunk robot at 'Reflex' 80's club on Broad Street.

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14th May, a reflection of the 'Golden Men' in Symphony Hall.

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14th May, the 'Flower of Life' pattern in the Library.

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22nd May, 'Old Joe', the Chamberlain Memorial Clock Tower.

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22nd May, 'Old Joe', the Chamberlain Memorial Clock Tower.

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28th May, 'Muddle Earth' at the construction of the Octagon at Paradise Birmingham.

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2nd June, the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations in Victoria Square.

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2nd June, photo panels at the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations in Victoria Square.

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12 June, the installation of 'Foreign Exchange' in Victoria Square.

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12th June, 'Foreign Exchange' in Victoria Square.

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12th June, 'Perry' photobombs the 'Floozie'.

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12th June, 'Foreign Exchange' in Victoria Square.

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24th June, the city skyline from Dudley Castle.

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25th June, an interior of the Library.

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26th June, the city skyline from Egg Hill near Frankley.

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5th July, 'Foreign Exchange' in Victoria Square.

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5th July, a view from One Centenary Way as part of an invited photographers event.

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10th July, 'Perry' banner on the city Council House.

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10th July, the Town Hall.

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10th July, Chamberlain Square.

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22nd July, the Cordia Blackswan sponsored 'King Kong' statue at Great Hampton Street in the Jewellery Quarter.

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22nd July, the Cordia Blackswan sponsored 'King Kong' statue at Great Hampton Street in the Jewellery Quarter.

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27th July, the Queen's Baton Relay arrives in Brindleyplace.

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28th July, Westside BID's 'Big Whistle' event.

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31st July, the 'Brummie Bull' in Centenary Square, detail of the red lit eye.

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31st July, there will be a few of the Bull in this gallery! Here the nostrils.

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31st July, this of the Bull was made into canvases presented to BBC's Mike Bushell and Ian Ward, Birmingham City Council Leader.

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1st August, the 'Brummie Bull' with the Library.

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1st August, 'Foreign Exchange' and the Town Hall.

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1st August, 'Perry' banner on Colmore Row.

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1st August, the Commonwealth Games floral display in Cathedral Square.

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1st August, the Library.

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5th August, the BBC's Mike Bushel in Centenary Square.

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5th August, a rainbow and 103 Colmore Row.

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6th August, Central Square in Brindleyplace.

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6th August, the Cordia Blackswan sponsored 'King Kong' statue at Great Hampton Street in the Jewellery Quarter.

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6th August, the Canal in Brindleyplace.

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6th August, the 'Brummie Bull' and the Library at twilight in Centenary Square.

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7th August, 'Perry' in Centenary Square.

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6th August, the scene of 'Muddle Earth' in Centenary Square.

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7th August, 'Perry' says "no more hiding, Birmingham!".

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9th August, the full moon and the Hyatt Regenct Hotel.

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14th August, the England giant flag pin in Centenary Square with the Library.

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20th August, a view from the Library over Centenary Square.

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20th August, part of the the giant flag pins display in Centenary Square.

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20th August, the 'Brummie Bull' form the Library.

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20th August, the Utilita Arena Birmingham.

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2nd September, the 'Brummie Bull' floraly adorned for the opening of the 'PoliNations' event.

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3rd September, during the first 'Sunset Shift' display at 'PoliNations in Victoria Square.

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11th September, flowers at 'PoliNations'.

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11th September, the city flag at half-mast for the passing of Queen Elizabeth 2nd.

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11th September, the Victoria R statue during the 'PoliNations' event in Victoria Square.

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19th September, part of the city skyline from Barr Beacon.

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24th September, the Laurence Broderick Bull statue adorned with an amazing head dress for Pride Birmingham 2022.

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24th September, a couple at the start of the Pride Birmingham 2022 parade.

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1st October, a scene in Chamberlain Square that I just had to document.

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1st October, sometimes it appears easier to put the crane on the top of the concrete core, here at the construction of South Central.

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2nd October, an abstract reflection in one of the lamps by the canal in Brindleyplace near Old Turn Junction and the Arena.

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2nd October, after his time on display in Centenary Square and having been 'saved' for the city, the 'Brummie Bull' was hosted for a while in a brownfield site provided by an owner in Ladywood.

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8th October, a view west from the 'Secret Garden' atop the Library.

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8th October, a reflection pattern from the windows in the Library Amphitheatre.

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10th October, the city Council House, 'Big Brum' at the Museam and Art Gallery with 103 Colmore Row, featured as November's photo in the 2023 Birmingham Gems Charity Calendar.

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19th October, part of the city skyline from Cotteridge.

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29th October, empty chairs on the City Star Flyer in anticipation before the opening of Ice Skate Birmingham 2022.

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30th October, the city skyline from Lickey Hills Country Park.

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5th November, the rides at Ice Skate Birmingham 2022.

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5th November, the City Star Flyer at Ice Skate Birmingham 2022.

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6th November, the Frankfurt Christmas Market in Victoria Square.

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6th November, the Frankfurt Christmas Market in Victoria Square.

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12th November, a rare selfie reflection in a Christmas Tree ball in Central Square in Brindleyplace.

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13th November, the Remembrace Day Parade in Colmore Row.

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13th November, the 'AIR' ride at Ice Skate Birmingham 2022.

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19th November, the Christmas Fayre in Cathedral Square.

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20th November, shadows on the classic stream engine at the Thinktank museum.

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23rd November, twigs and the 'Flower of Life' architecture on the Library.

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1st December, the revealing of the Luke Perry HIV Memorial in Hurst Street.

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10th December, 'Old Joe', the Joseph Chamberlain Memorial Clock Tower at the University of Birmingham, in a pool of sunlight from Lickey Hills Counrty Park.

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25th December, the city skyline from Oaklands Recreation Ground in Yardley.

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25th December, a part of the city skyline from Oaklands Recreation Ground in Yardley.

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Happy New Year to you all!

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103 passion points
Daniel Sturley Photography
21 Oct 2020 - Daniel Sturley

Daniel Sturley - My Favourite 75 Birmingham 2020 Photos

Having just published my 3,300th photo taken of, or in Birmingham in 2020 to my main gallery, I felt like making a post of my 75 favourites!

Above is my most popular of the year, a perfect rainbow over the city centre on 13th June.

Thanks so much for your interest in my Birmingham photography.

I hope you all have a positive 2021!

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Daniel Sturley - My Favourite 75 Birmingham 2020 Photos

Having just published my 3,300th photo taken of, or in Birmingham in 2020 to my main gallery, I felt like making a post of my 75 favourites!

Above is my most popular of the year, a perfect rainbow over the city centre on 13th June.

Thanks so much for your interest in my Birmingham photography.

I hope you all have a positive 2021!

18th January 2020:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_6588b_CHSQ.jpg" />

8th Feb:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_8001b_1CS.jpg" />

25th Feb:

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14th Mar:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_0784b_CRN.jpg" />

22nd Mar:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_2118b_CUBE.jpg" />

22nd Mar:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_2181b_BSBR.jpg" />

28th Mar:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_3682b_SUN.jpg" />

4th Apr:

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11th Apr:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_5046b_CTSQ.jpg" />

11th Apr:

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Experimental laser pen and quartz macro photography during lockdown.

12th Apr:

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13th Apr:

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15th Apr:

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15th Apr:

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19th Apr:

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19th Apr:

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19th Apr:

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21st Apr:

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24th Apr:

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7th May:

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8th May:

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8th May:

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10th May:

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17th May:

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19th May:

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25th May:

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13th Jun:

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13th Jun:

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14th Jun:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_5237b_BMAG.jpg" />

15th Jun:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_5380b_VSQ.jpg" />

15th Jun:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_5424b_CLD.jpg" />

10th Jul:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_6657b_MERC.jpg" />

17th Jul:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_6929b_MERC.jpg" />

25th Jul:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_7479b_CTSQ.jpg" />

31st Jul:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_7769b_103CR.jpg" />

1st Aug:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_7947b_CHSQ.jpg" />

9th Aug:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_8751b_1CW.jpg" />

11th Aug:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_8904b_AC.jpg" />

29th Aug:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_0106b_REFL.jpg" />

30th Aug:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_0512b_BRUM.jpg" />

5th Sep:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_0869b_MOON.jpg" />

12th Sep:

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12th Sep:

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13th Sep:

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19th Sep:

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19th Sep:

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20th Sep:

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27th Sep:

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6th Oct:

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25th Oct:

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3rd Nov:

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4th Nov:

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5th Nov:

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6th Nov:

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7th Nov:

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9th Nov:

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12th Nov:

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13th Nov:

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15th Nov:

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18th Nov:

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22nd Nov:

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24th Nov:

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1st Dec:

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5th Dec:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_0916b_CHSQ.jpg" />

6th Dec:

dndimg align="middle" dndsrc="https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/uploadedfiles/IMG_1064b_CATH.jpg" />

19th Dec:

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25th Dec:

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27th Dec:

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It's the Planet Saturn!

I hope you all have a positive 2021.

My full gallery is here: https://www.yourplaceyourspace.net/gallery/DanielSturley

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80 passion points
Daniel Sturley Construction & regeneration
28 Aug 2020 - Daniel Sturley

Birmingham, Cranes Across the City - Summer Update

Here's the latest crane photography gallery covering June, July and August, including the extension of the cranes at the Mercian and the installation of the crane at One Centenary Way amoungst others.

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Birmingham, Cranes Across the City - Summer Update

Here's the latest crane photography gallery covering June, July and August, including the extension of the cranes at the Mercian and the installation of the crane at One Centenary Way amoungst others.

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Photos by Daniel Sturley

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